Year | Name | Major | Project |
2023-2024 | Anna Moran | English & Spanish Double Major | "From Witty Fools to Foolish Wits: Folly in Shakespeare and Cervantes" Advisors: Lee Oser, Estrella Cibreiro, and Father John Gavin S.J. |
2022-2023 | Max Hendrix | Double major in Philosophy and Economics | "Intricacies of Agency: Rational Choice, Behavioral Economics, and Our Normative Commitments" Advisors: Karsten Stueber and Kolleen Rask, Mark Hallahan and Daniel Schwab |
2022鈥2023 | Isabella Giaquinta | Double major in Mathematics and Health Sciences | "Leveraging the Power of Machine Learning to Predict and Potentially Mitigate the Risk of Poor Clinical Outcomes Among Refugees in a New England Healthcare Setting" Advisor: Shannon Stock |
2021-22 | Charles Millard | BIO/Biochemistry Concentrator | PLHIV Perspectives on Improving ART Adherence through Drug Design and the Promise of Targeting the HIV-1 Restriction Factor APOBEC3G Advisor: Ann Sheehy |
2020-21 | Maia Lee Chin | CLAS | Advisors: Mary Ebbott, Dominic Machado, and Lauren Capotasto |
2019-20 | Matthew Pinder | MUSC | The Stations of the Cross: A Non-Traditional Musical Passion Advisors: Osvaldo Golijov and Jessica Waldoff |
2018-19 | Mia Yee | ANTH/ARST | Asians Eat Food and Drink Bubble Tea: The Co-Construction of Contemporary Asian Food Spaces and Asian (American) Identity Advisors: Ann Marie Leshkowich and David Karmon |
2017-18 | Claude Hanley | CLAS | Transformation in Divine Love: Ancient Mercy for the Modern Age Advisor: John Gavin, S.J. |
2015-16 | Joseph MacNeill | CLAS/CATH | Encountering God as Logos: A Postmodern Theology Advisor: John Manoussakis |
2014-15 | Nicholas Cormier | BIOL/SOCL | The Social Management of Risk and Compliance in the Field of Transplantation Medicine Advisors: Renee Beard and Selina Gallo-Cruz |
2012-13 | Greg Peters | PSYC | Schizophrenia in Research and Practice: The Case for Conceptual and Methodological Pluralism Advisors: Alo Basu, Andrew Futterman, Daniel Bitran |
2010-11 | Meredyth Winter | VAHI | Conspicuous Consumption: How Indian Textiles Have Come to Shape the Western Design Vocabulary Advisor: Mika Natif |
2009-10 | Owen S. Fenton | CHEM | Exploring the Interface Between Chemistry and Education Advisor: Bianca Sculimbrene |
2008-09 | Rebecca Krier | RELS | Edith Stein and the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola Advisor: Mathew Schmalz |
2008-09 | Emily Rast | THEA | Female Identity in the Ingenues of American Musical Theatre Advisors: Steve Vineberg and Lynn Kremer |
2007-08 | Brenton R. Franklin | CHEM | Using Organometallic Chemistry to Develop Imaging Agents Advisor: Richard S. Herrick |
2006-07 | Cristina Baldor | ENGL | Our Exilio: Portraits of Life in Cuban-America Advisors: Leila Philip and Isabel Alvarez-Borland |
2006-07 | Candida Desjardins | MATH | Blood Pressure Waveform Measurement with a Laser Doppler Vibrometer Advisors: Edward Soares and Lynn Antonelli (NUWC Division Newport) |
2006-07 | Catherine A. Hughes | FREN/MUSC | Debussy in Context: Continuity and Change in Fin-de-Siecle France Advisor: Jessica Waldoff |
2005-06 | Timothy Duffy | ENGL | Redeeming Elizabethan Poetry: Metaphysical Poets Reform the Word Advisors: Christine Koch and Helen Whall |
2005-06 | Ellen Gasparovic | MATH | Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometry: An Evaluation of the Synthetic and Analytic Approaches with an Emphasis on Lie Sphere Geometry Advisor: Thomas Cecil |
2005-06 | Daniel Ricciardi | HIST | Changing Perceptions of Insanity in Early America, 1750 - 1844 Advisor: Ross Beales |
2004-05 | Mark Ferraguto | MUSC | Reading the 'Program' in Beethoven's Instrumental Music Advisor: Jessica Waldoff Reader: Noel Cary |
2003-04 | Shayne Piasta | PSYC | Beginning Reading Instruction in Massachusetts Public Schools: Research, Policy, and Teachers' Knowledge and Beliefs" |
2002-03 | Evan A. MacCarthy | CLAS/MUSC | The Contenance Angloise: The Role of Humanism in the Rise of a New Musical Aesthetic in Renaissance Italy." Advisor: Jessica Waldoff |
2002-03 | John T. Giblin, Jr. | MATH/PHYS | Embedding Diagrams for General Relativity and Analysis of Their Educational Potential Advisors: Robert Garvey, Thomas Cecil, Annette Jenner and Danuta Bukatko Readers: Randy Ross and Andrew Hwang |
2001-02 | Charles T. Strauss | HIST | Shall We Trust in Liberty?: The Impact of the South African War on Irish American Nationalism, 1899-1902 Advisor: Professor Edward O'Donnell Reader: David O'Brien |
2000-01 | Frances Orlando | PSYC | Reducing Psychiatric Diagnoses to Abnormal Brain States: A Case Study of Endogenous Depression Advisor: Andrew Futterman |
1999-2000 | Bethany Collier | MUSC | Sound, Texture and Meaning: Text and Music In Balinese Shadow Theatre Primary Advisor: Shirish Korde Readers: Lynn Kremer, Susan Rodgers & Jessica Waldoff |
1998 | Jaime Grande | SPAN/MUSC | Basket of Palm - A Musical Dramatic Work Directing Advising - Ed Isser, Lynn Kremer & Steve Vineberg |
1998 | Jessica Suzanne Parker | CHEM/MATH | An Experimental and Theoretical Study of Interfaces Utilizing In-Situ Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Molecular Dynamics Simulations Advisors: Dr. Campbell and Dr. Taylor ? |
1997 | Jonathan W. Hastings | THEA | Towards a Sense of Modern Comedy in Film and Dramatic Literature Advisor: Steve Vineberg |
1997 | Michael A. Palumbo | RELS | Masculine Spirituality: A Critical Transformative Approach Advisor: Professor Mary Ann Hinsdale Reader: Professor Gary Philips |
1996 | Marnie J. Cambria | BIOL | The Separation of CD34 Positive Cells from Umbilical Cord Blood and the Ethics of Fetal Tissue Research - "Spare Parts or Beating Hearts?" Advisors: Dr. Peter Parsons & Rev. William Stempsey, S.J. |
1995 | Jason F. Hall | CHEM | Constrained Cis-Proline Amides as Potential Inhibitors of HIV Cell Infection Advisor: Dr. Timothy Curran Readers: Dr. Peter Parsons & Dr. Alice Deckert |
1995 | Lisa J. Fluet | ENGL | James Joyce and His Other Language: The abnihilization of the etym" (FW 353:22)" Primary Advisors: John T. Mayer & Susan Elizabeth Sweeney Readers: Margo Griffin-Wilson, Kenneth Happe, Sarah Stanbury, Steve Vineberg |
1994 | Suzanne Buchta | MATH | Applications of Topology to DNA Structure And Function Advisors: Professor David B. Damiano & Professor Margaret N. Freije |
1994 | David McCraw | CLAS/THEA | A Post-Mortem of The Bacchae, Theatrical Presentation |
1993 | Christine E. Doyle | HIST | Constructing History: Literary Historians, Culture And Gender in Late Nineteenth Century America Advisors: Ross Beales, Jr. & Theresa M. McBride Reader: Susan Rodgers |
1993 | Joel P. Poudrier | POLS | Life As a Work of Art: The Philosophical, Political, and Artistic Thought of Vaclav Havel and Friends Thesis Director: Virginia Raguin Reader: Noel Cary |
1993 | Edward G. Soltesz | CLAS/CHEM | "Hippocratic Pharmacology: Investigations into the Theoretical Assumptions and Function of Drug Therapy in The Corpus Hippocraticum" Advisors: Guido Majno & John D. B. Hamilton |
1992 | John Margiotta | BIOL | Living in a Disenchanted World |
1992 | Sara L. Toomey | PHIL | Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: Research and Implications Advisor: Mary E. Morton Readers: Kenneth Prestwich & Maura Ryan |
1991 | Philip J. Fournier | MUSC | Musical Presentation - "How James Learns About Flowers" Advisors: Shirish Korde & Joseph Lawrence |
1991 | Christopher P. Vogt | RELS | The Catholic Liberal Arts College: A Contradiction in Terms? - Catholic Mission and Identity in an Age of Pluralism Advisor: Professor Mary Ann Hinsdale Reader: Professor David J. O'Brien |
1990 | Rebecca Runnels | CLAS/MATH | The Political and Intellectual Influences on the Development of Mathematics an Ancient Greece Advisor: Margaret Freije Readers: Blaise Nagy & John Little |
1989 | Rebecca A. Rourke | HIST | Signs of Culture: Deafness in 19th Century America Advisor: Ross W. Beales Readers: Diane Bell & Joseph Bruce, S.J., |
1988 | Christine Freemer | BIOL | A Hermeneutical Study of the Language of Dance In Relationship to Our Religious Experience - "Dance As Religious Experience" Advisor: Irena Makarushka Reader: Mary Paula Hunter |
1987 | Kathryn Furio | MATH | Riemann Surfaces: A Unifying Approach to Mathematics - "Riemann Surfaces: Distribution of Weierstrass Points on Rational Nodal Curves of Arithmetic Genus 2" Advisor: John B. Little Readers: Margaret Freije & John T. ? |
1986 | James J. Collins | PHYS | Functional Neuromuscular Stimulation: An Analysis of the Biomechanical and Neuromuscular Foundations of Walking - "Functional Neuromuscular Stimulation: Population Variability of Electromyographic Gait Patterns" Advisor: Dr. Kenneth Prestwich Secondary Advisor: Dr. Edward Kennedy Reader: Dr. John Axelson |
1985 | Mark T. Maybury | MATH | M.A.R.K.:Machine Acquisition and Representation of Knowledge- "Artificial Intelligence: Generalized Expert Systems" Principle Advisor: Robert Haring-Smith Readers: John Little & Brian Straub |
1985 | Mark D. Nevins | ENGL | Beowulf for Modern Man: Orality and Literacy And the Anglo-Saxon Heroic Poem Advisor: John Wilson Readers: Deborah Boedeker, James Kee, John Mayer & Richard Rodino |
1984 | Gael E. Reilly | ENGL | My Present Past: A Dramatic Monologue Based on the Life and Works of George Eliot Primary Advisor: Rev. Philip C. Rule, S.J. Advisors: Lynn Kremer Babcock, Edward J. Herson & Helen M. Whall |
1983 | George A. Paletta, Jr. | CHEM | Modified Nucleosides as Anticancer Agents - "The Synthesis of 2-Bromo-9-(3',5'-di-p-toluoyl-2'deoxy-尾-D-ribofuranosyl) hypoxanthine; An Important Intermediate for Conversion to Modified 2鈥-deoxyguanosines with The Potential for Anticancer and/or Antiviral Activity鈥 |
1982 | Gary J. Gala | ENGL | An Experiment in Translating Ideas into Fiction: Valley at Dusk Advisor: Richard H. Rodino |
1981 | Raymond J. Heisler | CLAS | The Convergence of Christianity with Pagan Philosophical Thought in the 2nd Century A.D. - "Christians Meet Non-Christians: The Contributions of Justin Martyr and Clement of Alexandria to the Dialogue" Advisor: John D. B. Hamilton, S.J. |
1980 | Daniel DeFerie | CHEM | Shape Change in Human Erythrocytes |
1979 | Paula M. Kane | HIST | American Revival Songs, 1820-1850: The Christian Lyre and Spiritual Songs For Social Worship Advisors: Ross Beales & David McKay |
1978 | Barbara Tylenda | PSYC | Discovering Jung and Remembering Things Past - "Earliest Childhood Memory: An Integration With Jungian Theory" Approved by: Charles M. Locurto, Ph.D., Gene Qualls, M.D., John P. Reboli, S.J., Ph.D., Wayne G. Rollins, Ph.D., Leonard C. Sulski, Ph.D. |
1977 | Joyce A. O'Shaughnessy | BIOL | Leukemia: The Wayward Cell of Unknown Origin - "Surface Membrane Activity and Microfilament Function in Murine and Human Leukemia Cells" |
1976 | Joseph Germino | CHEM | Investigation into the Sex Pheromones of Two Species of Flies: Sarcophaga Bullata and Musca Domestica |
1976 | Joyce Walczak | ENGL | The Radiating Technique of Dickens: An Analysis of His Thematic Measure |
1975 | Robert M. Hayden | PSYC | Relationship Between Religiosity and Various Forms of Altruistic Behavior |
1975 | Elizabeth Peiffer | ECON/PSYC | Levels of Self-Actualization Among Married Working Women Compared Across the Sex-typing of Occupations |
1974 | Richard A. Johnson | CHEM | Oxygen Content and Consumption in Tumor Cells - "Oxygen Consumption By Acrylamide Polymerization For Rapid Screening of Chemotherapeutic Agents" |
1974 | Henry P. Miranda | MATH | Paradoxes and their Relation to the Foundations Of Set Theories - Three Papers in Mathematical Logic: "An Algebraic Proof Of Set Theories "An Algebraic Proof of the Completeness of Sentential Logic," "Godel's Proof of the Incompleteness of Axiomatic Number Theory," "The Independence of the Continuum Hypothesis" |
1973 | James Boulos | SOCL | The Sociology of Social Theory |
1973 | John Cutting | CHEM | Research on Aromatic and Anti-Aromatic Compounds - "Toward a Triafulvalene, Via Iron Carbonyl Complexes of Cyclopropenes" Advisor: Michael. McGrath |
1973 | Brian Hattery | ENGL | Love-Friendship Words in Early Greek Literature - "A Study of the Connotations and Meanings of the Greek Word (philos) And Its Cognates in the Works of Homer, Hesiod, and Selected Lyric Poets" Advisor: Gerald Lavery |
1973 | Michael McCarthy | ENGL | Imagism and its Influence on Poetry - "Imagism and the Free Verse Movement" Advisor: Dr. John Mayer |
1973 | Gregory Walsh | HIST/PHIL | Biophysical Research - "Polyvinyl Chloride Electrets" Advisor: Dr. Roy Gunter |
1972 | Thomas Higgins | HIST | The Haymarket Riot: A Study in American Radical Thought Advisor: Joseph Holmes |
1972 | Robert McCabe | CHEM | "The Relative Viscosities of Urea and Urea Derivatives in Water and Methyl Alcohol" |
1972 | Edward Vodoklys | CLAS | Sophocles in the Age of Goethe: An Analysis of Sophoclean Influence in the Klassik-Romantik Era Advisors: William J. Ziobro & Thomas Kennedy |
1972 | Theodore Wells, Jr. | ECON | A Primer: The Potential Effects of Cable Television Upon Boston's Public Services |
1972 | William Wolfram | ECON | A Quantitative Examination of Student Impact Upon the Demand for Rental Housing in the Worcester Area |
1971 | John Balser | SOCL/MATH | |
1971 | Frank Capobianco | MATH | Two Results of the Fenwick Scholar Project |
1971 | Bruce Clouette | HIST | |
1971 | Thomas Myers | POLS | The Political Theory of the Black Panther Party: A Study in Marxism-Leninism Advisor: Walter T. Odell |
1970 | James Daly | CLAS | Mysticism and Judeo-Hellinism in Philo - "The Correlation of Philo and the Alexandrian Jewish Community with Contemporary Pagan Mystery Religions" Mentor: R. Healey, S.J. |
1970 | John Day | ENGL | Thomas More's Dialogue of Comfort as Renaissance Dialogue Response Mentor Thomas M. C. Lawlor |
1970 | John DeCiccio | MATH | Basic Markov Chain Theory Mentor: Vincent McBrien |
1970 | James Dorey | HIST | 19th Century English Humanitarian Reform Movement - "The Attitude of William Wilberforce and the Evangelicals Toward the Reform of Working-Class Conditions in Early Nineteenth-Century England" Mentor: William Green |
1970 | John Hughes | HIST | Utopian and Marxist Elements in Southern Populist Thought Mentor: Robert L. Brandfon |
1970 | Kevin Leary | MATH | Closed Schemes with Nil Potent Elements |
1970 | Thomas Moisan | ENGL | Novels of Henry James Mentor: John Mayer & S. E. Teichgraeber |
1970 | John Muench | POLS | British Cabinet in Policy Making Process in the 19th Century Mentor: Trowbridge Ford |
1970 | Joseph O'Mealy | ENGL | Film and Film Criticism Mentor: Anton I. Klotz |
1970 | Robert Stokes | MATH | Numerical Analysis - "Why Use Trigonometric Series?" Mentor: J. R. McCarthy |
1970 | John Wilson | PSYC | Manifest Anxiety in the College Student Mentor: W. J. O'Halloran, S. J. |
1969 | John Baldovin | CLAS | Ministry and Polity of the Primitive Church |
1969 | Richard Carriuolo | HIST | American Society in the 1920's |
1969 | Robert Devaney | MATH | Lens Space as Coset Spaces |
1969 | Dennis Egan | PSYC | Psychology of Stuttering |
1969 | Timothy Goodsell | POLS | Reform in Worcester: The Adoption of Plan E Government, 1949 |
1969 | Christopher Kenny | ENGL | Novel |
1969 | Patrick O'Connell, Jr. | ENGL | George Herbert |
1969 | Edward Sessa | ENGL | Coherence and Collapse in Shelly's Poetry |
1969 | John Tutino | HIST | Mid 19th Century Mexican Reform |
1969 | Dennis White | ENGL | John Barth's Giles Goat Boy: The Novel as Layer Cake |
1968 | Richard Bonneau | MATH | Proposed a research project in abstract algebra |
1968 | Terence Kearns | ENGL | Proposed a comparative study of the ballad form of poetry in England and Germany during the Romantic Period |
1968 | Paul McNamee | CHEM/MATH | Proposed a specialized program in chemistry and math along with a research project in photochemistry |
1968 | Daniel Monagle | ENGL | Proposed research on the influence of Fyodor Dostoevski on British novelist Joseph Conrad |
1967 | Richard Pederson | ENGL | Research on Tristram Shandy |