Frequently Asked Questions

The Crusader Internship Fund is a signature initiative of the Center for Career Development. Sophomores and juniors who secure an unpaid internship for the summer can apply for funding to help offset the cost of doing the internship.  Students are eligible for funding once during their time at Holy Cross.  Applications will be reviewed and funding decisions will be made on a rolling basis within 5 business days of the request based on the quality of the student’s application materials and benefit to student. Funding is not guaranteed. 

Employers, graduate schools, fellowships, and volunteer programs expect college students to have meaningful and challenging work-related experience. An internship allows a student to explore a particular career field and industry, apply the skills developed in the classroom in a new environment, make contacts, and gain experience which will prove helpful no matter what the student chooses to do after graduating from Holy Cross. 

Matriculating sophomores and juniors are eligible to receive summer internship funding once during their time at Holy Cross. Students must have an unpaid internship offer in hand to apply.

Crusader Internship Fund Stipend award amounts can be found on our Policies and Requirements Page.

Please Note: The Award is not expected to replace wages or cover all of your summer expenses. The award is meant to provide some financial assistance and increase access to unpaid internships that students may not otherwise be able to accept. 

The Center for Career Development will review all applications for funding and make a decision based on:
Internship offer in hand
Quality of submitted application materials
Benefit to student
Availability of funds

There are hundreds of internship opportunities available through .  In addition, students should be using other resources to access internships (,, LinkedIn, networking, etc).  Internships cultivated through the college are predominantly in the Northeast. However, we have funded students across the United States in a variety of roles.

Internships are available in just about every conceivable industry.  Students just need to learn how to look for them. The Center for Career Development works with students to help them tailor an effective internship search. Students can schedule an appointment with a career counselor via Handshake.

Students are responsible for securing their own housing.  Resources for summer housing are available through the Center for Career Development portal.