History Department
Gender, Sexuality, & Women's Studies
Peace and Conflict Studies
Professor of History
W. Arthur Garrity, Sr. Professor in Human Nature, Ethics and Society
Faculty Associate,Critical Conservation Program, Harvard University Graduate School of Design (2016-2022)
Ph.D., Duke University
Fields: Twentieth-century United States history, Gender and Sexuality history, Public history and memory, Social movements, Southern history
Office Phone: 508-793-2783
Office: O'Kane 368
PO Box: 95A
Office Hours:
Select Publications
- LGBTQ+ Worcester For The Record, with Robert Tobin and Joseph Cullon, co-authors, Worcester Historical Museum (2019).
Mayoral Citation and Key to the City, City of Worcester (2020)
People of Courage Award, Safe Homes (LGBTQ+ Youth Advocacy organization), Worcester (2019)
- A Golden Haze of Memory: The Making of Historic Charleston(University of North Carolina Press, 2005)
- 2006 Willie Lee Rose Prize ()
- 2006 Historic Preservation Book Prize()
- Revisiting Prop Master (Lowcountry Digital History Initiative, 2019)
- “Charleston is Largely a Matter of Feeling:Personal Politics, Preservation, and Power,” inMax Page and Randall Mason, eds.,Giving Preservation a History: Histories of Historic Preservation in the United States(Routledge, 2019): 199-226.
- “An Unwelcome Home: Gendered Invisibility and Homelessness among US Female Soldiers Returning from the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan,” in Andrea Peto and Ayse Gul Altinay, eds.,Gendered Wars, Gendered Memories: Feminist Conversations on War, Genocide and Political Violence,Ashgate Publishing, 2016(in series "The Feminist Imagination: Europe and Beyond," edited by Kathy Davis and Mary Evans).
- “Hidden in Plain Sight:Re-Centering the Domestic Slave Trade in American Public History,”Journal of Southern History,LXXIX, No. 3 (August 2013): 593-624.
- Green-Ramsdell Award recipient, Southern Historical Association ()
- “Sculpted Radicals: The Problem of Sacco and Vanzetti in Boston’s Public Memory,"The Public HistorianVol. 32, No 2 (May 2010): 9-30.
Holy Cross Awards
Donal J. Burns ’49 Career Teaching Medal, 2016-2017.
Marfuggi Award for Academic Advisement
- O’Leary Faculty Recognition Award
Select Digital Humanities Projects